- 2024-12-16 14:40:58
- 来源:济宁新闻网
- 阅读量:17933
A group of 25 world-renowned photographers of the International Federation of Photographic Art coming from countries including China, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and Spain, recently embarked on a photographic journey in Jining, Shandong province.
On Dec 8, they visited the Confucius Temple and Kong Family Mansion in Qufu, Jining, capturing the essence of Confucian culture and the historical significance of these sites.
Photographers have a unique opportunity to engage in shadow puppetry
The following day, they went to Shantui Construction Machinery Co Ltd, where they witnessed the immense scale of heavy machinery production. From excavators to bulldozers, the photographers were captivated by the manufacturing process and the power of these machines.
The photographers also visited Longgong Port, China's first inland port to implement unmanned intelligent transportation on a regular basis. They were amazed by the precision and efficiency of the unmanned horizontal transport vehicles moving containers around the port.
The photographers go to Longgong Port in Jining to see the advancements in intelligent port operations.
The visit to Jining gave the photographers a unique opportunity to see the blend of ancient traditions and modern technology. Through their lenses, they captured the dynamic transformation of this city and shared its story with the world.
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